Vanessa Vick - Fotografa.

22/06/2011 15:19



Vanessa has made Africa her home. Based in Kampala,Uganda she works throughout
the region specializing in featurephotography and is known for her insightfulhuman-interest stories. Clients includeNewsweek, The New York Times, U.S. News& World Report, Pfizer, Vibe, Essence, The Guardian, The Discovery Channel, The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative,UNDP and The World Food Program.Vanessa started her career by studyingcommercial photography at RochesterInstitute of Technology and soon beganshooting feature photography andenvironmental portraits. She then had a successful career as a photography editorworking at the photo agency Sygma andthen U.S. News & World Report beforereturning to her passion photography.After receiving a master's degree inphotojournalism from Ohio University in2001 Vanessa went to Uganda on a Fulbright Scholarship. She documented thehuman aspect of the AIDS pandemic andhas been based there freelance ever since.

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